Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Maddie's New Trick

So Maddie (age 6) can do a nearly perfect back dive off the side of the pool. It's quite impressive for a little kid. She was practicing it at the pool and the Germans were all watching her.

Honesty compels me to add that she won't do a front dive. We've considered trying to motivate her by telling her that front dives are much easier. We're all afraid to do that. In the right hands, such knowledge might be inspirational. However, this is Maddie were talking about--sensible and reasonable plans flee when placed before her.

My homework assignment is to post video. That'll have to wait until I return from my business trip next week.

Tess's German is coming along nicely... she's starting to correct me. How did that happen.

1 comment:

Angie said...

very nice, tessie-o! :)

and andy, just so you won't feel bad -- i explained to brett all about "he and i, not him and me" and today he corrected me! minds like steel traps, and voices that speak up... gotta love 'em!