Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tschibo Aktuell

Some of you have heard me talk about Tschibo, a kiosk found in many grocery stores and a few stand-alone locations. As a business reporter, this place fascinates me. It's like shopping in Managua during and just after communism. In Managua, whatever came off the container ship is what you found in the store. So you might find a store filled with pickles, catsup and (this was my favorite) rainbow-colored cassette holder cubes. Sometimes items seemed coordinated. Sometimes it was random.

So it is with Tschibo. The one thing they always have is their brand of coffee. Everything else is random and up for grabs. And buy it now because it's not going to be there next week.

This week at Tschibo:
-Many items of clothing, mostly purple
- a cordless mouse
-shower heads
-vacuum cleaner

Check back for more Aktuell (update).


domandkat said...

I love my milk frother! I love it, I love it, I love it! Can't wait to make a froffy coffee for my mum-in-law in a couple of weeks!

Alison said...

when they have the purple, cordless vacuum cleaner that dispenses coffee... buy one for me!

Piper said...

When they have purple, coffee dispensing vacuum cleaners, I'll buy them all!