Thursday, March 25, 2010

Piper's New Favorite Commercial


Our Heroine Returns

Piper arrived safely home today to the overwhelming joy of my children who have now forgotten how cool I was 24 hours ago. How quickly they forget.

My shock and awe campaign to impress my wife with my household management skills has also failed. House cleaned... check. Bed made... check. Dishes... check. Laundry... check. All evidence of non environmentally-friendly recycling practices during the past week removed... check.

She seemed to take it all for granted. Possibly this is how she feels when I don't notice her new haircut for a week.

...Come to think of it, I shaved my head nearly bald on Monday and she hasn't commented yet. Upon further reflection, maybe this neglect is just the jetlag.

...I'll be a hero tomorrow. I'm sure of it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Our Story So Far

When last we left our hero, the heroine had abandoned him at the bottom of a mineshaft. Alone. In the dark. With 3 small children to feed. Fortunately, there was a refrigerator filled with processed foods down there. Also a a few boxes of crayons and a TV. All in all, not a bad predicament. Better than being tied to the railroad tracks but some villain with a greasy mustache.

One could almost forgive our heroine if she weren't in Texas eating really good Mexican food. There are, alas, no fresh tortillas in our mineshaft.

The week without Piper has actually been quite good. I would characterize it as great but Tess told one of her teachers this morning that it was merely OK. I think she's still sulking because her Dad forgot about her karate class last night. She did get cookies in her lunch today instead of the traditional orange but we're not going to talk about that. We're also not going to mention the lunch bags in lieu of environmentally friendly tupperware. What happens in the mineshaft stays in the mineshaft.

Being mom has caused me to learn lots of interesting minutia about my children. For instance, I thought that Maddie wore mismatched socks as a deliberate fashion statement. I now know that she has a whole drawer full of hundreds of socks without a single matching pair. Who knew? Possibly this explains the composition of dark matter. Or maybe it just balances out the bad kharma created by Micah's missing shoes.

I have one more day to ponder this.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sometimes you eat the bear

Sometimes you eat the bear... and sometimes the bear eats you. This week, I was eaten. Final score:

Andy -- 0
IRS -- >>1

In lighter news, Piper arrived safely in Austin sometime last night or this morning depending upon the observers frame of reference.

The kids and I are faring quite well. Last night we had pizza and a movie and then made cookies. I let them each take cookies to school with their lunch. Phase I of my plan to ensure that I'm never trusted alone with the kids again is now complete. I won't mention phase II since Piper might read this and quash my plans for world domination.

Weekend goals are still undetermined. There's a medieval festival 2 hours from here but that seems like an ambitious drive. Particularly since my son appears to have converted his floor to use as an open-air laundry hamper. I suspect my weekend goals will be more domestic.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Huckle's friend Schmuckle arrived by plane yesterday. There was much rejoicing among the littles.

Apparently, it was noted that there was a shortage of stuffed marine mammals in our family. :-)

Odds and Ends

Apologies to all for my lack of communication. I've been digging out after a couple of busy weeks. Between work, family, a little exercise and visits to the woodshop, all my time seems to have disappeared. My goals for the coming weeks are to make some time for the dentist and the IRS. The IRS, in particular, seems to have plans for me.

I am continuing to train for a marathon with 2 guys from work. Based on last nights 13 mile run, a marathon isn't looking like it will be a whole lot of fun.

3 months ago, I started making 2 beds in my spare time. The upcoming visit of some Philadelphia friends has caused She Who Must Be Obeyed to elevate the priority of that project. Apparently, it's bad etiquette to ask your guests to sleep on the floor. I finished them this week and set them up this morning. Photos below. I'm reasonably happy with them. The final design was more contemporary than I was aiming for. The original plan was to pin the joints but that didn't work out.