I have an old-time twin lens reflex camera that I sometimes shoot with. It doesn't have much going for it. It's film, not digital. Expensive, quirky, hard-to-find film. It's inconvenient, expensive to use and heavy. The 1970's vintage construction is totally mechanical and the focal length was carefully chosen to ensure equally sub-optimal performance in a wide range of real world situations. Developers shake in fear when I show them the exposed rolls I need processed.
It is a demanding mistress. I carry it into all kinds of fantastic places, spend hours setting it up, and manually composing the shot on glass.. Sometimes, at the end of it all, it takes a great picture. It's basically gambling so I'm sure that somewhere, there's a 12 step group waiting to help me manage this addiction.
Click on the TLR to see the latest round of pictures.
Was the black & white taken with your IR film? Way cool. You're so much more patient than I could ever be.
Beautiful photos. Wish I knew who everyone was and where you took them.
The Gremlins are at it again.
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