Saturday, July 3, 2010

Random Thoughts

Quote of the day:

"Now I know how my mother feels..."

--Maddie's reaction after being sent to the counter to handle restaurant orders for the family. She was not amused by all the special orders and modifications that she was expected to keep track of.

We are safe in CA after nearly 24 hours of travel. Prior to the trip, I was given a precious horde of several tablets of Ambien. As a result, I had high hopes that the flight would be uneventful. Unfortunately, the ability of the tablet to put me to sleep was exceeded by the ability of my five year old to keep me awake.

World cup madness continues. Since Germany won this morning, it will be at least a few days until my family returns to normalcy. 4 hours later, my kids are still sporting face paint of German flags on their cheeks.

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