Tuesday, August 25, 2009

36 hours

36 hours until school begins anew.

Tess is excited at the social prospects. I'm not entirely sure why since she's winding down a whole week of non-stop play, parties and sleepovers. She's looking a little glassy eyed from all the activity. Kind of like a college student at the end of final exams. (A very rational, articulate, emotionally centered, 9-year-old college student).

Maddie is nervous. She's worried because she doesn't know how to count to 20 by 2's and is sure that all the other first graders do. I've actually seen the competition and it's not that scary. (Not as cute either but my biases are well known).

Micah's thoughts are harder to discern because he can't sit still long enough to explain them. He appears to believe that 36 hours is nigh unto forever and that the heat death of the universe will arrive before school resumes. Personally, I think that his presence in this corner of the universe generates more than enough random energy to keep the universe expanding until well after the doors open Thursday morning..

All of them are in agreement that their new school backpacks are awesome.

Piper is easy. After I drop the kids off Thursday, I predict that she's going to lock herself into the apartment and plow through a whole case of wine.

1 comment:

domandkat said...

You are making me smile with thoughts of wine and escape hatches. I am looking forward to the first day of school for both of ours which doesn't happen 'til the 9th. Em's first day is the 8th, but Andrew only has a meet the teacher shindig that day and starts the next. The next 2 weeks may be really long!