Monday, August 31, 2009

Cleebronn nature park

Another quick Mommy Adventure before school starts (and thank you Andy for financing the fun). This one quick photo shoot at a nearby nature park. This had all the cute stuff, such as deer that come and eat from your hand, and some not as cute stuff (a Mongolian yak), but some vicious stuff as well. Bears and some of the few remaining European wolves. These are more aggressive than their larger but calmer relatives, the timber wolf.

And note, you never, but never want to be a former Alpha. I've never seen wolves at feeding time before. A large bucket of raw meet in the middle. You can see the dominant ones, tails up and patrolling to make sure they eat what they want. Lower status, tails between legs and circling around for a chance to dart in and grab something.

A former alpha wolf is the one wolf that no one allows to eat. His son has taken over the pack now. When he would dart in for a hunk of meet, another wolf would promptly steal it. He survives only because the staff overfeed the pack periodically so there is enough that they won't care if he gets some. Beautiful hawks and falcons as well. Not many photos of these as they are considerably further away than my lens can get a good shot.

We can with my friend Andrea and her children, including TG's German twin, Rebekka.

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