Saturday, August 8, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

5fordhams are still alive, still well and still in Germany. We spent last night at a Biergarten, quite possibly the pinnacle of human culinary innovation. Soon, I shall post a definitive post on the total awesomeness of German Biergartens. But that's not what I came to talk about. I came to talk about mindless summer time wasters.

This week, the Kinder of 5fordhams are particularly fascinated with 2 such activities. The first is this game, discovered by accident. It's a typical internet flash game in which you, the leader of a minor world power, compete to launch your national mascot into space. Earning points lets you upgrade rubber bands, rockets, and goggles. until your hedgehog is in low elliptical orbit. The kids love it.

Their second addiction is Wipeout. This is their first (and hopefully only) excursion into reality TV. It's quite good fun though it's but a thin hair away from watching the lions eat people in the Coliseum. I rationalize that it's OK because the obstacles are padded and the contestants have signed medical release forms. Video below. I'll let you judge.

1 comment:

domandkat said...

Saw a bit of Wipeout on TV the other night and pined for the days it was on Spike with Japanese in the background and two English speaking guys talking about what was going on. It was (and still is) hilarious!