Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why I'm on Facebook

So I joined facebook a few months back. The jury is still out on that experiment. I am continually barraged with random bits of internet detritus from folks who have way more time online that I do.

I may quit at any time. So what keeps me from doing that? Well, for starters, people send me fascinating stuff that I'd never see anywhere else. Stuff like this video.

Lawrence, are you free this weekend? Do you know where we can find 2 anvils?

I figure that Micah is 5 now. It's high time he learned to play with explosives.


domandkat said...

We have a 5 year old too who wanted a Bomb party for his 5th birthday. It didn't happen, but not before I looked up Mentos and Diet Coke on youtube.

Now I'll have to show not only him, but also my two nephews...

Man, oh man. People from Texas sure do cook up the wackiest things for entertainment :-)

Stephanie Barrett said...

Ok... so he's a "World Champion" anvil shooter.. There are others that find this worthy of competition???