Sunday, September 21, 2008

Better & Worse Part I

Part I of a (probably) continuing series.

Things that are better in Germany.

1) Cars. And by a mile. Same companies but many way cooler models that aren't spec'ed for sale in the states.
2) Ducks. Leaner, nicer but willing to work a little for that crust of bread. Much joy watching them sprint after bread crumbs on the pond.

Things that are worse.
1) Breakfast. No contest though the chocolate cereal has gotten lots of requests (all disapproved by mom so far).
2) Can openers. Come on, it shouldn't take 10 minutes and an engineering degree to figure out how to open a can of beans.

Things that are tied.
1) IKEA. It's exactly the same, really.


domandkat said...

Not to change the subject, but is there any way to contact you by email - you know, gmail or yahoo or something??? This is kind of limiting at times...

Angie said...

it's true! ikea is the same EVERYWHERE! i went to one in scotland three years ago with my sister and it is EXACTLY the same as the one in south philly.
but breakfast... you gotta be kidding! german crusty bread and fruit from the market?? ok, i'll give you a break... you just got there. but i MISS breakfast -- especially the crusty bread and the jams to go on it... wow. it's been since 1986, but i can hear the crackle and feel the textures on my tongue, crunchy crust and super-soft, melt-in-your-mouth, totally unexpected compared to the outside inside... i gotta book a flight!