Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Short Trip Thru Smugtown

Today, our family was invited by one of my co-workers to a pumpkin carving party in late October. I was hesitent about whether to RSVP (hey, we have a busy social calender here at 5fordhams).

I was persuaded to commit when I learned that these co-workers live in the former hunting lodge of the king of Baden Wurttemberg. If the occasion warrents, we'll post photos here at the end of the month.

I also learned today that the village where we have been trying to rent a house celebrated it's 1,000 year anniversary this past summer. Alas, I think that our hotel room was constructed much more recently than that village.


Aunt Joyce said...

Greeting Piper and Andy. Great Blog. Will pass the info on to the other famaily memebers

BradB said...

Former hunting lodge of the King of Baden Wurttemberg. So how cool is that!

Unknown said...

Loved the latest update... Good luck with the house hunting, it sounds like a real challenge.

I am sure the family is going through many transitions.... Great experiences... love you all