Saturday, October 4, 2008

Help! My daughters are addicted to Wonder Woman.

Todays story is in honor of my friend Scott. Scott is new to parenting and needs to be instructed concerning the slippery slope upon which he is now perched.

Our cautionary tale begins innocently enough. Piper was walking the girls through the park and Maddie was twirling about (in typical non-linear Maddie fashion). Piper mentioned to the girls that Maddie looked like Wonder Woman.

First mistake.

When she got home, the girls asked to look up Wonder Woman on the web. Piper showed them a few video clips of the 70's TV show with Linda Carter.

Strike Two.

The girls are now fascinated. They think Wonder Woman is the coolest thing ever.


Dominic Christison said...

I am enjoying your blog entries! This one particularly resonated with me, since I'm sure I have fallen into traps like these with both Emily and Andrew many many times!
Cheers, Dominic

BBCG said...

What, no Brady Bunch, Happy Days or Laverne & Shirley reruns.(let me know if you need me to send you ours!) To new-How about CHIPS, Marcus Welby or Emergency?The list of overly fun, useless 70's & 80's shows is endless.
We discovered after having to purchase The Brady Bunch, Full House & Waltons that these are dangerous thing to bring up to our kids.
Good luck with the housing search. We will keep you in prayer on this front.
We miss you guys. Love your photos.
It's a good life,

Angie said...

and why wouldn't they love wonder woman? she's ultra-fabulous! i wish i knew where the pix of my sister and me dressed up for halloween were... i'd send them to your girls in a heartbeat! :)

we sang "arise, my soul, arise" last night and i missed you more than ever. will be praying for your house!


Scott Brown said...

Lesson learned. I am convinced from numerous comments from my friends that are more experienced than we are at this parenting thing, that kids will latch on to random things! My friend Mike here at work has two kids. The youngest, a girl, heard the Steve Miller song "The Joker" somewhere and now walks around singing it:

I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I sure don't want to hurt no one

She doesn't know what half that means (which is good) but she loves to sing it. What can you do? She's three.

Personally, I hope to make millions publishing my parenting book "How to avoid the Princess Phase" ... once I crack that nut, I will let everyone know.

Lisa G Marks said...

But isn't WW captivating? I loved play acting as WW when I was a kid. It brings back some excellent memories with my best friend. Love the blog, just started reading.