Sunday, December 20, 2009

How Hard Can It Be

In the course of my married life, I have always purchased birthday cakes for my spouse. If we had them at all... Piper is not exactly a "let them eat cake" kind of wife.

This year, she requested a carrot cake for her birthday. During a scouting expedition yesterday, the kids vetoed that idea. The word carrot has a healthy sound to it that evoked negative images of peas, asparagus and tofu. They wanted chocolate fudge. We compromised with a healthy sounding lemon recipe coupled with cream cheese frosting.

Yes, I know that "healthy sounding" does not equate to healthy but I try not to question these small balms to my conscience when I find them.

Today, we cooked it, baked it and frosted it. The result is less than picturesque. It is, in fact, quite a mess.

Tonight, I will beg my children to destroy completely all evidence of this embarrassment. There will be no photographic record of this event in the annals of our family history.

Come the morning, we will never speak of this again.


domandkat said...

So between this and the present you must be batting 1000.

Where is Piper anyway? She seems to be out for a long time. Did she get lost Christmas shopping? Having a wild weekend away before Christmas? Neither seem likely...

Unknown said...

aaawww shucks... we all want to see this cake ... just one little photo, please :)

Beth said...

I'm sure Piper will love the cake whatever the state of its construction! I wanna see!!

spronch said...

I don't want to see the cake. No matter how ugly, I'm sure that it tasted wonderful. Cakes are meant to be temporal - existing only for the moment before enjoyment.

Happy Birthday, Piper.